About Dr. Fitzgerald
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But we are proud to say that Dr. Fitzgerald contributed 5 entries already.
Entries by Dr. Fitzgerald
4 Questions with Dr. Fitzgerald
What inspired you to become a doctor? When I was in high school, I took a class in physiology and learned some interesting facts about how the human body works; my teacher noted my interest and encouraged me to pursue pre-medicine in college with a biology degree. From that early interest, it was a natural pathway to choosing a career in medicine. Do you have children? If so, how have they impacted your career? My wife and I have raised three children to adulthood. Being a parent has afforded me insight into the joys and struggles which the parents […]
iPads: Not for Babies
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Tech companies have fooled parents. Through clever marketing that suggests that certain apps contribute to child learning, parents have been convinced that iPads and tablets are a great companion for young children. However, most of these marketing claims are unsubstantiated by research. The truth of the matter is that screen time is much more likely to negatively affect child development. During the first two years of life, children primarily learn by interacting with their environments. They explore unlocked cabinets and crawl up stairs, they scribble on freshly-painted walls with crayons, and they seem to find a way to make any situation messy. The […]
Flu Mist Update: Video
Have you heard? The FluMist wont be available for the 2016-2017 flu season, meaning that everyone will need to get the shot. Dr. Fitzgerald explains this decision and affirms why you and your family should receive the flu vaccine this year. Transcript: Dr. Fitzgerald: Hi, I’m Ralph Fitzgerald. I’m one of the doctors at MD Pediatrics, and today I’d like to briefly talk about the upcoming flu season. FluMist Update: Only shots available this flu season. Dr. Fitzgerald: As some of you probably already know, the CDC has recommended not using the nasal flu vaccine this year due to its […]
Antibiotics Questions: Video
When your child is sick, you’ll do anything to help them feel better. So why doesn’t your provider always give them antibiotics? Dr. Fitzgerald explains the answer to this common question. Transcript Below Dr. Fitzgerald: Hello, I’m Ralph Fitzgerald. I’m a pediatrician at MD Pediatrics, and today I’m going to discuss a question that comes up frequently in our clinic. “Why do we treat some children with antibiotics who come in that are ill, and some we do not?” Why don’t all sick kids need antibiotics? Dr. Fitzgerald: The first thing to understand in answering that question is that viruses […]
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