Are You New Here?
Welcome to MDPA, your Patient-Centered Medical Home. We look forward to serving your family!
New PatientsIf your child needs a physician’s evaluation to take part in band or athletic school activities, please complete the form in ink or fill it out online then print it and bring to your well-care appointment.
Forms may take 2 business days to process if not presented in conjunction with a well visit. There is a $10 charge for urgent forms which are not provided to us at the time of the patient’s visit, to cover cost of preparation. If a letter is needed, there will be a $30 fee. We’ll call you when it’s complete or message you in your My Kid’s Chart portal. Please note: Your child will need to have a well visit within the past year before we can complete this form. A sports physical (briefer than well care) can be substituted if well care was within the past calendar year but the school requires a visit in the last 6 months.
Complete much of your new patient paperwork before your first visit inside your new patient portal, My Kid’s Chart. Log into your patient portal at, or at the purple icon on the home page, and go to Create Message. Drop to the subject New Patient Forms, complete the answers and sign all those signature forms then attach a copy of the front and back of your insurance card and the front of your driver’s license and hit SEND. Be aware that the system times out after 15 minutes, so if you’d like to do the message several times and start where you left off, that will work too!
Thanks for joining us at MD Pediatric Associates. See you soon!
If you’d like to authorize another adult to consent for treatment of your child in your absence, please fill out the Permission to Treat form. Fax the completed form to us at (469) 671-5437 or drop a copy into your patient portal at My Kid’s Chart.
If you need to release records for an adult child, please have the patient fill out the Adult Authorization. The patient should fax the signed form to us for placement in the permanent record. This will also suffice when you need to get back into the portal of an 18 year old adult patient.
To have your former physician’s office release your child’s records, please complete this form and fax it to your former physician
You’ll also need to complete this form if you want to authorize our office for a medical records release regarding those kept at MD Pediatric Associates. Fax completed forms to us at (469) 671-5437.
If a former patient is over 18, we will need a signed Adult Authorization form to release records to mom or dad.
To request a shot record or a copy of a previously filled physical form, please log into your Patient Portal. If you have not received an invitation to be a proxy for your child on our Follow My Health patient portal, please email [email protected] with your child’s name and DOB and we will send you an invitation.
ImmTrac2 is the Texas Department of State Health Services Immunization Registry provided at no cost to all Texans. The registry is secure and confidential, and safely consolidates and stores immunization records from multiple sources in one centralized system. ImmTrac2 requires signed parental permission for a patient’s shots to be stored until the patient reaches 18 years old.