Congratulations on the Birth of Your Baby!
Here are some basic guidelines to keep in mind for the first few weeks.
Stools = 3+ per day
Feedings= at least 8 times, on demand, around the clock for the first 2-3 months
Signs of good feedings
✓ Feeling a deep, strong pulling sensation without sharp pain
✓ consistent sucking with only brief pauses
✓ Hearing swallowing (after the milk comes in)
✓ Latch-on is easy
✓ Vigorous sucking at the breast
✓ Breasts are softer after the feeding
✓ seeing milk in your baby’s mouth
✓ Feeling a let-down reflex or seeing a change in the baby’s feeding rhythm
✓ Adequate wet diapers and stools
✓ Minimal weight loss during first few days
✓ Baby regains birth weight by 2 weeks and gains¾ to 1 oz daily thereafter
Signs of poor feedings
✓ Feeling pain during feedings
✓ sleepy baby
✓ Inconsistent, flutter (weak) sucking
✓ Difficulty latching-on and staying on
✓ clicking or popping sounds in your baby’s mouth
✓ Prolonged nursing (more than 20-25 minutes on each side)
✓ Infrequent nursing (baby does not wake to feed at least every 3 hours)
✓ Baby is not satisfied at the end of the feeding
✓ Engorgement
✓ Inadequate wet diapers and stools
✓ Rapid or excessive weight loss (more than 7-10%) during the first few days
✓ Has not regained birth weight by 2 weeks
✓ slow weight gain thereafter (less than 1/2 – 3/4 oz per day)
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